Thursday, December 27, 2018

2019 Genealogy Resolutions!

The Peterson Family, ca 1970
Front row: Stacy, Carla, Sonia
Back row: Chris, Stan, Sarah

I'm a great one for making resolutions, and, like many of us, not so great at keeping them. But hope springs eternal, so here goes for 2019.

Two modest genealogy goals for 2019:

1. I will double the number of blog posts from last year.
This shouldn't be too hard; I only posted three times last year! How hard can it be to write six posts in a year, if I put my mind to it? I'd like to use Amy Johnson Crow's blog prompts, 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks, for inspiration every now and again, but don't expect 52 blogs posts from me. Not this year, anyway!

2. Finish writing an ancestor story.
Can't say too much more about this as I'm writing it as a gift. Let's just say I've got a ways to go, and this goal might help me get there.

Here's to lots more genealogy writing and researching in 2019!

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